How to select Correct size of Air conditioner ?2 Easy Steps.

There is no need to going into lengthy calculation procedure for determining size of air-conditioning equipment for your house.

Here is some Thumb Rule derived from past experience.

Step 1: Calculate Area to be air conditioned

Take out measurement tape & Measure the length & width of your room (lets measure this in ‘Feet’ – can be expressed as ‘ft’)

So we will get the Area in ‘square feet‘ or ‘Ft2’

Area (ft2) = Length(ft) x Width(ft)

(Note: In case you measure dimensions in meter or mm, below are the important conversion factor you may need.)

1 meter=3.28 ft

1 mm=0.00328 ft

Step 2: Square feet per ton (sqft/TR)

Now we have the Area, based on the conditions given below find out which thumb rule will be applicable for you.

Divide the calculated area with desired sqft/TR Value from the table

Result is your Air Conditioner Size in ‘TR’


AC size required for bedroom in Bangalore (standard flat on top floor)

Step 1: Area=Length x width


4365mm=14.3 ft

Area=10.4*14.3=148.7, say 149 sqft

Step 2: Now from the table: for standard flat in Bangalore thumb rule is 140sqft/ton

So Area/140= 149/140= 1.06 TR

1.06+0.3= 1.36 TR…. (0.3TR added extra for top floor).

So Finally required air-conditioner capacity for the room is 1.4 to 1.5 TR.

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