Don’t Get Chilly While You Dehumidify: How Hot Gas Reheat Saves the Day in RTUs

Introduction Humidity control in buildings is a core component of occupant comfort. Imagine stepping into a building on a sweltering summer day and feeling a refreshing cool breeze instantly. Now, picture the same building on a chilly winter day, where you are greeted with comforting warmth. This seamless temperature control is made possible by a … Read more

Air Handling Unit (AHU)

AHU or Air Handling Unit is the device used to process, regulate & circulate the air to the space as a part of Heating , ventilation & air-conditioning System. It consist of a metal box containing a blowers, filters, Colling/heating coils, humidifier/dehumidifier, dampers etc. We will discuss about each components of AHU one by one … Read more