Don’t Get Chilly While You Dehumidify: How Hot Gas Reheat Saves the Day in RTUs

Introduction Humidity control in buildings is a core component of occupant comfort. Imagine stepping into a building on a sweltering summer day and feeling a refreshing cool breeze instantly. Now, picture the same building on a chilly winter day, where you are greeted with comforting warmth. This seamless temperature control is made possible by a … Read more

Air Handling Unit (AHU)

AHU or Air Handling Unit is the device used to process, regulate & circulate the air to the space as a part of Heating , ventilation & air-conditioning System. It consist of a metal box containing a blowers, filters, Colling/heating coils, humidifier/dehumidifier, dampers etc. We will discuss about each components of AHU one by one … Read more

Top Interview Questions-HVAC Design

Some of the most asked technical Interview questions in Indian market for HVAC Design Engineer profile are discussed here. 1. What are the major components to be considered during heat load calculation? Answer: All the sensible & latent heat gain to be considered while calculating heat load. Major heat load components are Solar Heat Gain … Read more

Makeup water calculation-Cooling tower

A water level in the cooling tower has to be controlled & maintained by Makeup water in order to account for loss of water due to evaporation, blow down & mechanical carryout of water droplets(drift) during operation of cooling tower. Significance of each parameter is mentioned below with simple calculation of makeup water quantity requirement. … Read more

Air-conditioning Basics

This article explores key factors, and why they’re important, that HVAC engineers consider when designing or calculating air conditioning needs. 1.Heat The whole airconditioning system calculations are based on addition or removal of heat to or from the space. Heat is the total amount of energy possesses by the molecules in a piece of matter. … Read more

Components of cooling load estimation

Cooling load estimation or Heat load calculation is the most important & primary step in any HVAC system design. In this article we will discuss important components that has to be taken into account while calculating Heat load for any space. The total heat required to be removed from the space in order to bring … Read more

What is Variable Primary Flow system

Variable flow primary pumping systems utilize a variable capacity cooling system and a variable flow water pumping system to modulate cooling and water flow to meet chilled water needs and save operating energy costs. Cooling capacity is modulated with variable capacity compressors based on the desired leaving water temperature. Water flow is modulated with VFD … Read more

Sensible Heat Factor – SHF, RSHF & GSHF

SHF,RSHF & GSHF are elements used in heat load calculation & which affects the psychrometric properties of the air. SHF – Sensible Heat Factor The thermal properties of air can be separated in to latent & sensible heat. The term sensible heat factor is the ratio of the sensible heat to total heat, where the … Read more

Bypass Factor & its significance

Bypass factor is the function of the physical & operating characteristic of the conditioning apparatus. It represents that portion of the air which is considered to pass through the conditioning apparatus completely unaltered. The physical & operating characteristic affecting the bypass factor are as follows: A decreasing amount of available heat transfer surface (i.e. less … Read more