Air-conditioning Basics

This article explores key factors, and why they’re important, that HVAC engineers consider when designing or calculating air conditioning needs. 1.Heat The whole airconditioning system calculations are based on addition or removal of heat to or from the space. Heat is the total amount of energy possesses by the molecules in a piece of matter. … Read more

Bypass Factor & its significance

Bypass factor is the function of the physical & operating characteristic of the conditioning apparatus. It represents that portion of the air which is considered to pass through the conditioning apparatus completely unaltered. The physical & operating characteristic affecting the bypass factor are as follows: A decreasing amount of available heat transfer surface (i.e. less … Read more

Apparatus Dew point (ADP)

Apparatus dew point is the effective coil surface temperature when there is dehumidification. This is the temperature to which all the supply air would be cooled if 100% of the supply air contacted the coil. When the air is to be cooled & dehumidified from t1 to t2 condition, the cooling coil has to be … Read more